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Grade 08

Through this page, You can now get all the Educational helps and needs related to Grade 08.

Here You can Download Past Papers, School Papers, Provincial Term Test Papers, and Tutorials, for Grade 08 in Sinhala, English & Tamil Medium

You can now download any past papers, model papers, tutorials, educational videos, provincial papers, school papers, maths, science from mathematics LK education sri lanka

Grade 08 Mathematics Papers

Below you can download the relevant term test paper for Grade 08 Mathematics. Also, these question papers have been given separately for our first, second and third term test exams. Therefore, select the question papers related to the term you want from below. And when you first select the year you want to get the question paper and click on it, you can get the relevant provincial paper from the list below.

* Also for your convenience, we have provided Sinhala medium as (SM), Tamil medium as (TM), and English medium as (EM) question papers below.

Grade 08 Science Papers

Below you can download the relevant term test paper for Grade 08 Science. Also, these question papers have been given separately for our first, second and third term test exams. Therefore, select the question papers related to the term you want from below. And when you first select the year you want to get the question paper and click on it, you can get the relevant provincial paper from the list below.

* Also for your convenience, we have provided Sinhala medium as (SM), Tamil medium as (TM), and English medium as (EM) question papers below.