There are 10,194 government schools located in sri lanka. Accordingly 353 national schools and 9,841 provincial schools have in sri lanka.
Sinhala medium – 6,332
Tamil medium – 3,009
Sinhala & Tamil medium – 75
Sinhala & English medium – 558
Tamil & English medium – 173
Sinhala, Tamil & English medium – 47
From the total schools, 6,332 schools (62 %) are Sinhala medium schools while students of 47 schools offer all number of three mediums. Three or more subjects for at least one grade are taught in English medium in 778 schools distributed throughout the island.
Also 1,029 schools having advanced level science stream classes, 1,818 schools having advanced level Arts and or Commerce streams but no Science stream, 3,288 schools having classes only up to grade 11, 4,059 schools having classes from grade 1 to 5 or 1 to 8 have “according to the sri lanka school census report in 2017”.
Central province – 1,519
Western province – 1,359
North western province – 1,256
Sabaragamuwa province – 1,129
Southern province – 1,112
Eastern province – 1,110
Northern province – 997
Uva province – 900
North central province – 812
“according to the school census report in 2017 / Page number 07 “
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