G.C.E. O/L 2019 Mathematics Paper

Here we are in 2019… Hurry up..! Now you can download the new Mathematics model paper for G.C.E O/L. We expect the G.C.E. O/L 2019 Mathematics Paper be very competitive. But don’t worry… we hope this model paper will solve your whole problems.
You will also need to know the structure of the question paper to face the GCE O / L examination. Therefore you can download the prototype question papers in below link.
You can also download the prototype question papers provided by the Department of Examinations in respect of the new syllabus, which is effective from 2016 on all subjects including Mathematics.
These essay papers will help you to understand the new question paper pattern in each subject.
G.C.E. O/L 2019 Mathematics Paper (model paper) for download.
Also, you can download our previous year (2018) model paper. If you want to download that model paper please click the below link.

You can also download the ‘2018 Athwela’ seminar question paper held by the University of Moratuwa last year. Last year, the University of Moratuwa students held a series of seminars at some of the most difficult schools in Sri Lanka.
The “Athwela” question paper could be obtained from the following link.

You can find information about the 2018 Athwela program of the University of Moratuwa through the following article.
2020 G.C.E O/L Classes @ Rotary Hall Nugegoda

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