Science Tutorials for Grade 10 & Grade 11

You can now easily download science tutorials for all lessons in grades 10 and 11 through our website. If you want to make science a simple and easy subject, you have to study it well. So the easiest way for you to learn science is to answer the question papers and tutorials we have given for each lesson.
We have also provided you with separate tutorials for Grades 10 and 11. Download the lesson unit you want and write the answers to the question paper and give it to your teacher and check the correctness of it.
Grade 10 Science Tutorials
The above are the tutorials required for Grade 10 Science lessons. You can also download the Grade 10 first, second and third term question papers from the following article published on our website.
Grade 11 Tutorials
Also you can download 2019 O/L Model paper from
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pls upload in english medium also